Occupational Medicine (journal)

Occupational Medicine (journal)  
Abbreviated title (ISO) Occ. Med. (London)
Discipline Occupational medicine, industrial hygiene
Language English
Publication details
Publisher Society of Occupational Medicine (United KingdomK)
Publication history 1948-present
Frequency 8 times per year
Open access Hybrid
ISSN 0962-7480

Occupational Medicine is a peer-reviewed medical journal published eight times per year by the Society of Occupational Medicine. It covers "work-related injury and illness, accident and illness prevention, health promotion, occupational disease, health education, the establishment and implementation of health and safety standards, monitoring of the work environment, and the management of recognized hazards".[1] It was established in 1948.

See also


  1. ^ About The Journal web page (website visited Jan. 26, 2009)